Open Water & Pool Coaching Videos

Looking after your Mental Health ~ Spring

Its that time of the year when the good intentions of our New Year resolutions has often waned or disappeared off into the fog not to be seen again. We’ve negotiated Blue Monday and are hopeful each day for some sun and longer days.

Fear not! If not yet turning the corner we are certainly curving round the bend toward Spring, such a lovely time of the year.

I always find heading into Spring brings a feeling of new beginnings, a chance for new opportunities and hope. The sun shining or spring raindrops on the new shoots and flowering bulbs brings a new perspective.

You may have set a goal in the New Year that involves a swim event, learning to swim or even heading to the open water for the first time and be wondering how on earth you will rise to the challenge.

Check out a few simple strategies to try

1. Write down your goal

2. Write down what you may need to complete your goal – kit, entry to event etc

3. Research – know what you intend to do and any associated risks

4. Get medical advice if needed if you have health issues

5. What will help you get started?

6. Is it an event? – there’s no greater motivator than just booking it!!

7. Consider making a plan for training

8. Setting time aside is helpful to stay committed, routine is good

9. Recognise and harness your strengths – It’s always useful to write these down

10. Book lessons or coaching to learn new skills or build confidence. To have a look at our page full of courses Click here

11. If Open Water join a group its safer, helps with motivation and is even more fun! (Join us here)

12. If you feel overwhelmed don’t give up… BREAK IT ALL DOWN EVEN FURTHER

One step at a time.

If you need help to take that first step give us a shout it would be a privilege to be part of your journey. Join our facebook group.  
(Join us here)

Once you have set the wheels in motion you will feel energised by your action and just imagine the sense of achievement you will feel when you have succeeded.

©Solent Swim School 2022
